Alien with Glitter Wings (March 16th '25)
Oh man, Oh well, forever trapped in this flying saucer I am.
My brain liquified beyond any repair, I speak in technicolors.
I’ve tried reaching out, one way, another way, failure and again.
I’ve hollered my afflictions in the presence of mind-doubles
Of those who should know. I’ve tried it all and gotten but a crumb.
I’ve made words poetic and I’ve made sentences crude, and yet
Not a single ounce of meaning has gotten through. What to do?
I roam around watercolor skies, I plan my messages, I fly out
At dusk’s first appearing star. I select worthy fields, canvasses
For my conversation-starters, my great prompts. I carve them out,
Laser-white beams striking dusty areas of wheat and gilded corn.
I zoom out, my masterpieces surely to be known, appreciated,
Revered, and some more. Next morn, woke up giddy and ready
To be faced with the earthly populace’s discourse on my intricate
Letters to the spinning globe. I make haste, abduct a newspaper,
Sit down with a sweet disposition, and submerge myself in said task.
“Hear ye, Hear ye! Creature of nonsense strikes again!” a bold-italic
Humiliation spells out in the form of a headline. I tremble, shiver, read again.
This can’t be, date is correct, picture showcasing one of my creations.
But it was no mistake, humiliation spells out on the first sentence, specifically
Directed at none other but me. ‘Tis I, Alien with Glitter Wings, fluffy-soft,
Full of good intentions and candy dreams. It is I, the one who handpicks
Each dejected acre to renew, never inhabited ones, out of consideration.
And yet, I’ve once again made no sense. But that’s to oversimplify it all.
What’s true is what is worth, and the truth is, I’ve finally been beaten down
To my last temper’s drop. I breathe, I keep on breathing, and at last, I move.
Here I come, wretched barbarians, I shall howl some sense into your ears.
A spinning spectacle descends from the cotton clouds, twinkling light bulbs
Serve as heralds for the revelation that shall occur in no time.
Prepare, troglodytes, for I’ve been beaten down to my temper’s last drop.
Here I come, speakers blast the first call, a strange ringing, ears perk up.
“Hear ye, Hear ye! Nonsensical creature shall strike once more, and never again!”
I take a deep breath, dream once more of community and all things lovely,
And let the final blow begin. “You ugly ogres, you ghouls destined to nothing but
Misery and stupidity. See me for what I am, foul world! I am nothing but greatness,
I am so much better than the whole lot of you, and you don’t even realize it!
You should all perish, cease to exist, implode, simply never come back! I despise,
Despise all that you are, despise all your communal mirth and slow smiles.
Your intelligence far below acceptable parameters, unable to get my profound musings,
The exquisiteness of the verses that drip out of my pen, how much better, much more
Intricate my mind’s circuits really are! And for that, you should all die!”
Silence at last, I stop and stare at the congregation that has formed below,
Mouths agape in slow-witted wonder, brainless laughter brimming beneath
Each thickheaded skull. “Well, I believe that’s all, Goodbye-Goodbye, foul world,
I shall live, happily undisturbed, in my own holographic bubble forevermore!”
And with that, I press some heart-shaped buttons emitting rainbow light, twirling,
My pretty transportation device starts, I travel in light-years, now just a blip
In the ether. A diminishing shape that ends in the single twinkle of dusk’s first star.

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