Magic and Glitter, to Await the Arrival of Wintry Currents (March 4th '25)
What a treat, to rediscover those activities that once brought glimmering pleasure to an isolated mind. As the days begin their departure from summer’s glaring sun and hellish heatwaves, voyaging towards more delicate conditions, I grow familiar with my revamped ways. Rainbows and unicorns, fairies and their tulle skirts, angel bear plushies and their holiday-themed friends, gemmed literature and sparkling prose of my own. I am amazed at what embracing all different facets of the jewel-self does to one’s own enjoyment.
And so, let the preparations for this channeling of the well rounded personality begin! A few shakes of the snow globe to allows its starry spectacle to take place inside the crystal sphere, a measured amount of candy-scented sprays of my favorite perfume, a rearranging of all my most beloved trinkets to sit in front of me and serve as worthy writing companions, a deep breath and a paused glance to take in all the glitter and whimsy of my surroundings.
It is a most wonderful gift indeed, to take time and notice gradual changes of atmosphere. To go from mere observer, to part of the great constellation of factors that contribute to a memorable point in time. All hugs from your loved one are great hugs, but it is those that unfold in magical conditions that stand out the most. A drowsy embrace that lulled the both of us to a soft, golden afternoon slumber. A walk to the nearby park while holding hands, later sitting side by side on the merry-go-round as I admired how the last few orange rays graced the swaying trees against powder blue skies.
It is a wonder indeed, when you are able to experience all that you adore at once. And as this season of change slowly comes to a halt, making space for porcelain-cold currents to blow their way onto this side of the globe, I take time to think about the things, instances of the day, ways in which sunlight flows through rich foliage, person that I love and adore with the entirety of my sparkling heart. I do this as a way to wrap them up in a nicely decorated written package to take with me as I await the arrival of frosted days. Now I can gracefully twirl out of this two hour scintillating trance and put a gem sticker as a full stop, for my preparations have left me in a most exquisite state. I am now all shimmery inside.

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