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Add my Jelly Site Profile!!!
pinkie pie

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Don't think that as Princess of Jelly Pink I never explore other places!!! I love surfing the glittering web on my jelly board and as a result of such aquatic voyages, I have encountered sites filled with magic and jelly coolness!!! Here you will find those that I believe will always stay Pink and Sparkly!!! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡

Let me know if you would like to be named an official member of the Jelly Pink glitter crew and I'll add your button!!!

hearts div

Jelly Pink Neighbours

castlepixel star confetticake lavender void overwinter dreams atari spectra softteddypaws atlantis rhinedottir shevycave lemontchi pixel star castlepixel

Jelly Rings and WebLists

castlepixel star caferose star castlepixel

Other Cool Jelly Sites

star bugkisser cloverbell dino goob star

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